Security Center

Keeping your money safe is a priority for us. Here are a few resources to help you maintain the protection you need and the peace of mind you deserve.
Protect Your Identity
The Federal Trade Commission estimates 10 million people fell victim last year. That’s one in 30 Americans! Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the U.S., affecting individuals and businesses alike. No person or business is immune to fraud and identity theft, but you can make it a lot tougher on the bad guys by taking the right proactive measures.
If you think you’ve been a victim of identity theft, immediately call the FTC hotline at 877-IDTHEFT or visit their interactive online checklist.
What to do if your debt card is lost or stolen
To report a lost or stolen MasterCard® Debit Card or ATM Card during regular banking hours, please contact us immediately at 877-325-8031.
If your credit card has been lost, stolen or compromised, contact one of the three major credit bureaus
- Equifax – 800-525-6285
- Experian – 888-397-3742
- TransUnion – 800-680-7289
Wonder if something you’ve received is a legitimate Honor Bank communication?
Call us right away at 877-325-8031.